Thursday, January 6, 2011

Sounds of Communication

The sounds that animals use to communicate with each other have uniformity. The sounds are different with each species of course, atleast I would hope there were no barking birds out there. With any one animal type there is a universal language, that includes a number of common sound patterns. This allows for the various groups of canines to understand each other. Also for humans and other animals to gather a great deal of information from the signals used. The basics of the sounds are: Pitch, Duration, and Frequency

  • Low pitched sounds usaully indicate threats, anger, and possible aggression.
  • Hig pitched sounds mean the opposite.
  • A growl is meant to warn someone away
  • A dog that is going to attack will not give a vocal signal

signs of attack:

  • Dog may growl at first but once it realizes its warning is not being accepted it will stop the growl.
  • Its head will slighty lower
  • Its curled lip may tremble
  • and then a lunge
  • and a SNAP!

once the fight has started the growling may return.

In both cases of Fear and Anger sounds no longer serve as communication so they stop.


Duration is used to modify the meaning of sounds.

  • shorter sound durations are associated with higher intensity fear, pain, or need.

ex: A yelp is a short duration of a whine

  • Longer durations become a whimper meaning pleasure, playfulness, or invitation.
  • The longer the sound the more likely the dog is making a concious descision about the nature of the signals and the behaviors about to follow.
  • A dominate dog will have a low growl, threatening display and will have every intention of standing its ground.
  • Growling in short bursts and held briefly indicates that fear is present.


  • Sounds repeated often at a fast rate indicate excitment adn urgency.
  • Sounds spaced out indicated low level of excitment or passing stae of mind.
  • Occasional barking indicates mild intrest in something.
  • Multiple bursts adn repititionof barking indicates that the dog thinks the situation is important and a possible crisis.