Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Canine Language

OK so dogs obviously don't speak like humans, but that's not to say they don't have their own language . Dogs don't have the facial flexibility, voice box or degree of voluntary control needed for human speech sounds. Even thought they don't speak our language doesn't mean they cannot understand it. This is called Receptive Language Ability- which pretty much means that they understand the language but they don't have the means to produce the language. They can pick up on subtle nuances in human word pronunciation. An example of when a dog understands a spoken word is when you say "Fred Kennel" and the dog goes into the kennel. You can teach a dog a word by simply saying the word or name of something every time the dog is near it. For example say outside every time you let the dog out side, and pretty soon the dog will associate the word outside with going outside, it is like teaching a toddler their words. Psychologists such as J. Paul Scott suggests that an average dog can distingush nearly 200 spoken human words, which would put the dog at the language ability of an average 2 year old. Then you have some trainers think that dogs can leran more than 300 words. Dogs try to interpret our language and and try to figure out what words are directed at them. So if your dog seems to ignore you they probably aren't they just aren't comprehending that your words are directed at them. So if you want your dog to listen simply say its name, then give the command. When giving a command do not use sentances but use simple words because if you say "come sit and watch tv with me". First of all the dog doesn't know you are talking to it because you did not say the name to get its attention. Second there are to many commands in the sentance to know which one to do. first you would say "Fred Come" then Fred sit" and then those are the comands. Much simpler to get it right then get it wrong, and go through the whole my dog is stupid dog scenario when its really the human being stupid.

And please use simple names that will not become a problem when yelling to get the dogs attention. You dont want to be yelling a name like abracadabra chupracabra when trying to get the dog to come to you. Use something simple, Simple is better. I do realize that dogs have registered names and those names can be long and exhausting, but try to find something simple to call the dog as a "call name". SO you are saying Fred or BO and not wearing yourself out trying to say a name you may not even be able to pronounce.

Also for dogs Body language is a important means of communication, because it can be visually picked up from a distance. The problem with visual language is it can be turned against the user depending on viewing circumstances. Dogs must be able to see you for the visual cue to work.

Please check back often for more information and topics!

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